Carter Power Systems’ Customer Wins Top Prize in 49th Annual White Marlin Open, Sets World Record
Duffie Boatworks Wins Marlin Open
The White Marlin Open – the “World’s Largest & Richest Billfish Tournament” – lived up to its name at this year’s 49th annual event in Ocean City, Md. More than 400 boats entered and competed for $8.6 million in estimated prize money as the world record for the highest payout for a single fish was set on the competition’s final day. Carter Power Systems’ customer Jeremy Duffie of Duffie Boatworks sailed home with the $4.5 million top prize – and world record payout – after he and fellow anglers onboard The Billfisher reeled in a 77.5 pound white marlin. The tournament’s next largest white marlin was close behind at 71.5 pounds onboard the C-Student out of Houston. This year’s tournament was made even more challenging by the fact that the billfish were virtually nowhere to be found. In 2019, Open participants caught 1,504 billfish, as compared to just 155 white marlin and 59 blue marlin at this year’s event. One of the blue marlin caught did tip the scales at 511 pounds, however, and earned participants onboard the Cabana $1.2 million in prize money. Other money-winning catches included tuna, wahoo, and dolphin, but no swordfish this year.
The Open continues to grow as the first one in 1974 drew just 57 boats and 150 anglers, and paid $20,000 in prize money. The White Marlin Open marks its 50th anniversary in August, 2023 when it returns to Ocean City, along with plenty of excitement, anticipation, and tales about the one that got away. Congratulations to Duffie Boatworks and all the tournament participants!