Purple Haul Truck Rebuild is a First for Carter Machinery | Carter Machinery

Purple Haul Truck Rebuild is a First for Carter Machinery

SALEM, VA. – January 26, 2022. Carter Machinery recently completed a unique machine rebuild that is unlike any of the 1,000-plus other rebuilds the company has completed over the years for customers.

“Rockydale Quarries, headquartered in Roanoke, Va., wanted to raise awareness about pancreatic cancer in honor of two of its employees,” explains Chris Wood, Carter Machinery’s Rebuild Specialist. “So they requested that their 773B Cat® Haul Truck be repainted purple – instead of the traditional yellow – as the last step in the machine’s Certified Powertrain Plus Hydraulics rebuild we performed.”

Nearly every part of the massive machine – including the wheels – received a final coat of purple paint, with a purple and white ribbon representing pancreatic cancer awareness on the truck’s grille and sides.

“Machine rebuilds help our customers maximize their equipment’s lifespan and investment, and are an important part of our business,” Wood says. “And while we’ve completed a wide variety of rebuilds on nearly every type of machine throughout the years, this is the first time I can recall one being painted purple. Given this machine’s size and visibility on the jobsite, I think it’s a great way to honor Rockydale’s employees while generating attention that ultimately helps raise awareness.”

Additional information about Rockydale Quarries is available at www.rockydalequarries.com.