Prime Electric Power

Prime electric power (PEP) solutions are hard at work where there is no utility supply readily available and offer a highly cost-effective means of generating on-site power – from a lightweight, mobile unit to provide power to a construction site through to a permanent generator installation delivering electricity to large-scale municipal or industrial applications. Carter Power Systems Prime Power applications include:

Waste Water

Our systems are perfect for utilizing waste gas from plant processes. This gas is generated by wastewater digesters used in the water treatment process, which is then used by Cat® generators to provide the plant with electricity and heat.

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Waste Water

Combined Heat & Power (CHP)

Cat® gas generator sets can simultaneously provide electricity for electrical loads and heat energy for a facility’s thermal requirements. Any Cat natural gas-fueled engine…

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Rather than eliminating landfill gas by burning it off, we can help you turn it into a renewable fuel by providing methane generators that can produce electric power from landfill gas.

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Bio-gas is a sustainable, economical, and efficient alternative to other fuels. These gensets were designed to maximize the long-range cost savings and environmental benefits from biogas.

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Bio Gas

Peak Shaving

Peak shaving can be used during times of the year when the utility has demand higher than its capacity in order to decrease the load demand from the grid.

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Peak Shaving